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Banater in Südostrumänien: 1951-1956: Sterbefälle im Baragan

Subject: Baragan Deportation

Title: Banater in Südostrumänien: 1951-1956: Sterbefälle im Baragan

Author: Uwe Detemple

Year: 2012

Media Type: Book

Lending Status: Borrow

How Acquired: ZVA purchase for SGS

Review/Description: This book is a listing of the German people who died in the Baragan Steppe during their forced migration during the 1951-1956 period. After World War II the Romanian government considered the German population unreliable and forcibly removed them from a twenty mile wide strip along the border with Yugoslavia. They were relocated to a barren, previously unsettled area in eastern Romania. There they suffered through the same hardships as their ancestors had in the Banat two hundred years earlier. They were forced to eke out an existence from scratch with virtuall y no assistance. Many died from disease and the harshness of their existence. These deaths are listed alphabetically by their original village. There is a very short explanation of the deportation that we will have translated and posted on the web site. The remainder is all lists of names with personal data, including a short list of births.