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  • The John Molter Story

    John was born in Canada in 1929, but his family returned to Zichydorf in 1933. He grew up there and experienced the Second World War and its aftermath. He escaped…

  • Heimatbuch der Gemeinde Kudritz

    This book was originally published in German in 1956. We discovered it in the possession of Leah Ott Duda. It had belonged to her great grandparents, John and Katie Bolen.…

  • Hatzfeld History

    This is a history of the village translated from Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Hatzfeld im Banat by Helga and Anton Hornung. Down load the PDF file.

  • Bethausen History

    This is a brief history of the village of Bethausen translated form Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Bethausen im Banat by Josef Michels. Down load the PDf files.

  • Glogon

    This history of Glogon, about 50 km SW of Zichydorf, was contributed by Kathy Lara.

  • Romanian Banat Villages

    The Landsmannschaft der Banater Schwaben, an association of German Banaters from Romania, has produced the German language book, Stadte und Dorfer. This book tells brief histories of all the Romanian…

  • Offsenitza

    The following translation by Henry Fischer regarding the village of Offsenitza is taken from

  • The Baragan Deportation

    During the 1951-1956 period, thousands of people living near the border between Romania and Yugoslavia (Serbia) were deported to a barren area for security reasons. This is a translation of…

  • Stefansfeld

      This article contains a PDF file regarding the village of Stefansfeld.

  • Deutsch Stamora History

    The following history was translated by Henry Fischer from text that appears on the Deutsch Stamora web site and in its Familienbuch.